

电影恩培多克勒之死由威廉姆·伯格,Georg,Brintrup,霍华德·沃侬倾情出演,豆瓣评分9.0 分,在法国火热播出,影片英文名:enpeiduokelezhisi ,电影恩培多克勒之死剧情讲述了The subject of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub’s Der Tod des Empedokles (The Death of Empedocles, 1987) is the Greek pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles (c. 490 BC – 430 BC), who lived in the Greek colony of Agrigentum in Sicily. His theories are mentioned in several of Plato’s dialogues. He maintained that all matter is made up of four irreducible elements water, earth, air and fire. A mystic and a poet, he is considered to be the founde麻花影院提供电影恩培多克勒之死全集高清未删减完整版在线观看,恩培多克勒之死手机免费观看,麻花影院从互联网自动 收集了精彩电影《恩培多克勒之死》片源供广大影视爱好者分享,请大家支持正版电影。


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